Directions to Skyline Marina
Travel north or south on 1-5 to exit 230.Turn onto Highway 20 following signage for Anacortes and Washington State Ferries.Once in Anacortes, follow signs to ferries turning left onto 12th Street.Follow 12th Street about 3 miles to stoplight near the ferry terminal.Proceed straight ahead at this light for 3/10 mile to Skyline Way.Turn left and follow this road to Skyline Marina.The Decatur Northwest parking lot is directly across the street from Skyline Marina and is marked.
To board the boat, cross the street to the marina building and walk down the ramp through covered moorage to slip # 43.
The Sylvan Spirit will be on your left.
If you are told by the caretaker that you are riding the Paraclete it’s slip is shown here.
Please allow ample time for travel especially during peak tourist times.
You should allow an additional 15-30 minutes for loading the boat depending on your luggage.
The boat leaves promptly at the scheduled time!

To map using Google Maps use 2011 Skyline Way, Anacortes, WA as the address.