Your Visit to Decatur Northwest
Skyline Parking Lot
If you are a guest, place a guest parking pass or slip of paper with your host’s name on the dashboard of your car. Load belongings on the boat 15 minutes prior to scheduled sailing. Use the dock carts that are located at the DNW parking lot and return the cart to the lot. Anyone bringing large items like kayaks or bikes should note this in the comments section of the boat reservation to ensure adequate space is available.
Sylvan Spirit Loading and Unloading Procedures
Departing Skyline:
It is recommended that you arrive at the marina not less than 15 minutes before the scheduled
departure. Use the carts available in the parking area to take your belongings down to the
Sylvan Spirit, and load your belongings into the cargo area. Large items such as coolers and
suitcases should be organized on the deck furthest aft in the cockpit. Smaller items should be
placed in the lockers. If you need assistance, please ask the crew who should be present at
least 30 minutes prior to departure. Once your belongings are stowed away, please return your
cart to the parking lot. Expect the Sylvan Spirit to depart on schedule.
Arriving at DNW:
Once the Sylvan has docked, the first passengers to unload should be those with pets, children,
and any persons that prefer not to participate with the unloading of the cargo. The captain and
crew will ask for 2-3 able bodies to help unload the baggage into carts on the DNW dock. As
you depart the vessel, please take any large items such as coolers and rolling luggage, and full
dock carts up to the rock wall for sorting. Please do not try to locate and take only your
Departing DNW:
All baggage at the DNW dock should be placed in the loading area (large square floating dock
at bottom of the dock ramp) 15 minutes prior to arrival. Remove your large items such as
coolers and wheeled luggage from the cart and place in the “loading” zone. After placing your
baggage, return to the upper pier dock area to await the incoming Sylvan passengers to unload
and bring their gear up the ramp.
Once all incoming passengers have cleared the dock, collect outgoing cargo and luggage and
head for the boat. Please don’t focus on your personal belongings but rather all the items in the
loading zone. Load large items first; carry or roll coolers and luggage and load the aft area of
the cockpit, followed by dock carts, load contents in the cockpit lockers. After all luggage is
stowed, persons/families with pets, children and all others should then board.
Arriving at Skyline:
Once the Sylvan has docked, the first passengers to unload should be those with pets, children,
and any persons that prefer not to participate with the unloading of the cargo. The captain and
crew will ask for 2-3 able bodies to help unload the baggage into carts on the Skyline dock. As
you depart the vessel, please take any large items such as coolers and rolling luggage, and full
dock carts up to the parking lot area for sorting. Please do not try to locate and take only your
Directions to Skyline Marina
Travel north or south on 1-5 to exit 230.Turn onto Highway 20 following signage for Anacortes and Washington State Ferries. Once in Anacortes, follow signs to ferries turning left onto 12th Street. Follow 12th Street about 3 miles to stoplight near the ferry terminal. Proceed straight ahead at this light for 3/10 mile to Skyline Way. Turn left and follow this road to Skyline Marina. The Decatur Northwest parking lot is directly across the street from Skyline Marina and is marked.
To board the boat, cross the street to the marina building and walk down the ramp through covered moorage to slip # 43.
The Sylvan Spirit will be on your left.
If you are told by the caretaker that you are riding the Paraclete it’s slip is shown here.
Please allow ample time for travel especially during peak tourist times.
You should allow an additional 15-30 minutes for loading the boat depending on your luggage.
The boat leaves promptly at the scheduled time!

To map using Google Maps use 2011 Skyline Way, Anacortes, WA as the address.
Guests May NOT Bring Pets to Decatur Northwest
There are no exceptions to this rule.
Smoking is not allowed on community property
This rule is enforced as part of our fire prevention measures.
Garbage collection bins, recycling bins and a compost bin are located behind the community center.
Welcome Presentation (garbage and recycling information – page 19)
The dock is reserved for homeowner’s use at all times except for loading/unloading. Guests may use mooring buoys but may be asked to anchor out if bouys are needed for homeowner’s boats. Guests, please check in with the office giving your name, boat name and DNW homeowner name.