Decatur Northwest Activities

Tennis Courts
Two championship-sized tennis courts are sited near Sylvan Cove for community use. A third tennis court is located near the Thatcher pass sites and upper garden. Three weekly tennis camps are held each summer.
Crabbing or Beachcombing
DNW’s two beaches, Sylvan Cove and South Beach, offer access to the water. A community rowboat (labeled “DNW”) may be used for dropping your crabpot!

Freshwater Lake for Swimming and Fishing
A two-acre lake provides a place for trout fishing (catch and release), swimming or rowing. There is a swimming platform in the middle of the lake, rowboats, a float gazebo at the far end and a small sand beach area with chairs. A perfect place to spend a sunny afternoon!
Saturday Soirees
Held at 5:30pm Memorial Day through Labor Day at the Upper Garden Picnic Shelter. Homeowners and guests are invited to gather together Saturday evenings. Bring an appetizer to share and your own drinks and tableware. These are informal, no-host gatherings. Participants set up tables as needed and clean up after the event.
Sheep Gathers and Shearing
The Spring sheep gather and shearing is held the first weekend in May. The Fall gather is usually held in early September.
Bill Baker Lecture Series
Held twice annually, usually during July 4th weekend and Labor Day weekend. Speakers lecture on a variety of interesting topics. Everyone is welcome!
Past Lecture Series Speakers

Community Gardens
Two community gardens are located on Decatur Northwest. Stroll through to see the lovely flowers and vegetable plots. Homeowners who contribute to the lower garden fund may cut from the marked community cutting areas. Homeowners may request a box for individual use in either garden.
The upper tennis court has been striped for Pickleball. Equipment can be borrowed on site.
Basketball Court
A basketball court is located near the Thatcher pass sites and upper garden.
Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day Events
The annual community safety demonstrations are held during Memorial Day weekend.
The Sylvan Spirit makes a trip to a nearby island to watch fireworks on July 4th (fireworks are not permitted on Decatur Island).
We end the summer with a Labor Day community gathering held in Sylvan Cove.
Decatur Island Activities
The Decatur Island Community Market
Held at the Decatur store Saturday Mornings from 9:30am to 1pm. Memorial Day through Labor Day. Homemade foods, hand-crafted items and more!

The Decatur Store
Small country store and cafe. Hours vary depending on the season.
The Decatur Nine Golf Course
The unique golf course is open to the public. Clubs and balls are available to borrow. There is a minimum $5 per person donation to play the course. Put your donation in the drop box in the clubhouse. Donations are used for course upkeep so please be generous. Be sure to return balls and clubs to the Pro Shop after you finish playing.Directions to the course:
Take the main road toward the Decatur School. After passing the school, turn right at the next street, go down until you see the old sailor on the left holding a sign that reads “golf”. Go down the dirt road following the signs.